
New Neuroscience Has Undercut an Old Argument Against Free Will

Since the 1980's a famous experiment of Benjamin Libet has been interpreted by many as evidence that we do not have free will. More recent experiments have shown that this is wrong.

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God and Extraterrestrials

How likely is it that rational ET life exists? Would its existence be consistent with Catholic beliefs? How would such beings be redeemed?


Self-conscious A.I.?

A philosopher argues that a machine cannot be self-conscious because it has no self.


Galileo’s Contribution to Theology

Pope St. John Paul II wrote that Galileo was “more perceptive” about scriptural interpretation than the theologians who opposed him. This article explains why.


Can Physics Explain Consciousness?

The philosophy of “physicalism” says that all reality can be explained in purely physical terms; but consciousness shows this to be an inadequate view.


Doing Philosophy

Franciscan priest and former biochemist tells how his philosophical journey started with the question “What is a human being?”


A Physicist’s Faith

A republication of a 1946 article by Physics Nobel Prize winner Victor F. Hess, in which he discusses his Catholic faith.


On What Atheists Say There Is

Some people argue that it is irrational to believe in God, since his existence cannot be tested empirically.  Does this argument make philosophical sense?


God and Cosmic Order

The orderliness, lawfulness, harmony and beauty of the cosmos gives evidence of God.  


Adam and Eve and Evolution

Prof. Kemp reviews a recent book on how to reconcile traditional Christian teaching about Adam and Eve and Original Sin with the facts about human origins discovered by modern evolutionary biology and genertics.


The Catholic Tradition and Science

This article explores two consistent principles that have guided her understanding of the relation of faith and science. This is a sequel to the article “The Faith-Science War Debunked.”


The Faith-Science “War” Debunked

This article explores the 19th-century origins of the myth that the Church has historically been “at war” with modern science. This is the first of a pair of articles: the second is “The Catholic Tradition and Science.”

Connect With Catholic Scientists

The Society of Catholic Scientists is an international organization that fosters fellowship among Catholic scientists and witnesses to the harmony of faith and reason.

Catholic Scientist of the Week

Henry Louis Le Chatelier

Every week we feature a new Catholic science great of the past. It is our hope that these biographies will be useful to teachers, students, and the general public.

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