Hurricanes and Climate Change
Kerry Emanuel, Ph.D. (MIT): Guest Lecture
Kerry Emanuel, Ph.D. (MIT): Guest Lecture
David Medvigy, Ph.D. (University of Notre Dame)
Andrea Schreier, Ph.D. (University California Davis)
Lindsie McCabe, Ph.D. (UDA-ARS, Pollinating Insect Research Unit)
Marie I. George, Ph.D. (St. John’s University)
John F. Bratton, Ph.D. (LimnoTech)
Paul Giesting, Ph.D. (Wyoming Catholic College)
Timothy R. Raub, Ph.D. (Geosciences Heritage Institute)
Br. Guy Consolmagno, Ph.D. (Vatican Observatory): 2022 St. Albert Award Lecture and After-banquet Address
John Cavadini, Ph.D. (University of Notre Dame)
Daniel Kuebler, Ph.D. (Franciscan University)
Christopher T. Baglow, Ph.D. (McGrath Institute for Church Life, University of Notre Dame)