Update on 3rd SCS conference (June 7-9): Full Program, Schedule, Speakers, Registration Deadline
We are looking forward to an exciting conference. The them...
We are looking forward to an exciting conference. The them...
In the first week of April, 2019, the Society of Catholic Scientists reached 1000 members! To celebrate, we are giving a gift to every ten...
In addition to the third annual SCS Conference, there are several upcoming events (symposia, conferences, public lectures) on science-faith...
The 2019 Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society is being held in Phoenix Arizona on Jan 6-10. In conjunction with this a Go...
The third annual conference of the Society of Catholic Scientists will be held on June 7-9, 2019 at the University of Notre Dame. The main theme...
The second SCS conference, held at Catholic University of America on June 8-10, 2018, was a great success. SCS continues to grow strongly....
August 29, 2018, is the one-hundredth birthday of Clemens C.J. Roothaan, a member of the Society of Catholic Scientists, who is ...
Immediately preceding the 2018 SCS Annual Conference, there will be a Symposium co-sponsored by The Thomistic Institute and the Society of Catho...
An article about the event and the text of Archbishop's homily about St. Albert and the relation of faith and science.