Two Upcoming SCS Conferences!

Two major SCS events:
(1) SCS2022, the 5th annual conference of SCS will happen on June 3-5 at Mundelein Seminary near Chicago. There will be a dozen talks and 26 poster presentations. The theme of the conference is “Earth and Environmental Stewardship.” There are talks on a wide array of topics, incluing the theology of Laudato Si; restoration of the Great Lakes; use of genetics/genomics in conservation; how forests respond to drought; how bees shape the environment, Catholic environmentalism from St. Augustine to the present, and much else!! The 2022 St. Albert Award will be conferred on Br. Guy Consolmagno, Director of the Vatican Observatory, whose after-banquet talk will be on the daily life of Vatican astronomers. For full information about SCS2022, including the full schedule of talks, and live streaming, go HERE.
(2) The inaugural conference of the Spanish Regional Chapter of SCS (or Sección Española de la SCS) will be held on September 15-17, 2022, in Pamplona, Spain, at the Instituto Cultura y Sociedad, Universidad de Navarra. There will be many talks, spanning a wide range of interesting topics, from evolution, to free will and neuroscience, For information go HERE.