SCS Special conference on Evolution on April 23-4 and two other Spring SCS Events

February 28, 2021
(1) The conference on Evolution will be held at Franciscan University of Steubenville, in Steubenville, Ohio, on the afternoon of Friday April 23 and the morning of April 24. It is open to students, faculty and staff of Franciscan University. All the lectures will be live streamed. See below for full information about the evolution conference>
(2) The annual conference of the Society of Catholic Scientists (SCS2021) wll be held on June 4-6, 2021, at the Washington DC Hilton. It is open to all SCS Members, Student Members, Associates, Scholar Associates, and invited guests of the SCS Board. The main theme of the conference will be “Extraterrestrials, AI, and Minds Beyond the Human,” though there will be talks and poster presentations on other topics as well. Much more information can be found HERE. (If you are an SCS member or associate and have not been receiving emails about this, please contact
(3) The SCS will be holding a FREE special public outreach event called the “St. Albert Initiative.” [NOTE: THIS EVENT HAS BEEN POSTPONED UNTIL THE FALL OF 2021.] The St. Albert Initiative will be open to high school students, teachers & parents. It will feature 30-minute lectures on a variety of topics pertaining to the relationship between science and the Catholic Faith. There will be opportunities for attendees to meet and talk with many scientists who are faithful Catholics. There will also be a free buffet lunch More information about the event will be available on the SCS website in the early Fall.
The St. Albert Initiative and the SCS Evolution conference are both partially funded by a generous grant from the John Templeton Foundation.
TITLE of conference: “Evolution and a Catholic Understanding of Creation”
The Schedule with the livestream links are given below. (In-person attendance is generally restricted to the Franciscan University community.) This conference is supported in part by a grant from the John Templeton Foundation.
Schedule of talks (all times = US Eastern Time)
Friday, April 23:
3:00 PM: Conference Welcome: Dr. Stephen Barr, President of the Society of Catholic Scientists (Welcoming remarks will be on same link as Kemp talk below.)
3:30 PM: “The Catholic Reception of Evolutionary Biology: An Historical Overview.” Dr. Kenneth Kemp, Professor of Philosophy at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota
4:45 PM: “Human Sin and Modern Science.” Dr. Chris Baglow, Director of the Science & Religion Initiative in the McGrath Institute for Church Life, University of Notre Dame
6:00 PM: Dinner Break
7:30 PM: “St. Irenaeus, St. Augustine and Evolution.” Dr. John Cavadini, Professor of Theology at the University of Notre Dame, Director of the McGrath Institute for Church Life, University of Notre Dame
8:45 PM: Panel Discussion
Saturday, April 24:
9:00 AM: “The Depth of Creaturely Causality in St. Thomas Aquinas.” Dr. Cory Hayes, Professor of Theology and Philosophy at St. Joseph Seminary College
10:15 PM: “Evidence for Evolution and Why it Matters for Catholics.” Dr. Dan Kuebler, Professor of Biology at Franciscan University of Steubenville
11:15 AM: Coffee Break
11:30 AM: “The Paradox of Human Uniqueness and Darwinian Continuity.” Dr. Simon Conway Morris, Emeritus Professor of Paleobiology, Cambridge University