October 15: Free zoom lecture (co-sponsored by SCS) on “Cosmic Order and a Divine Creator”

The Harvard Catholic Forum, the Lumen Christi Institute, and the Society of Catholic Scientists are co-sponsoring a Free Lecture on October 15, at 7:30 PM (US Eastern Time). The speaker is SCS President Stephen M. Barr, and the title of the talk is “Fearful Symmetry: Cosmic Order and a Divine Creator.” This event will be held on Zoom (registration required) and live-streamed to the Harvard Catholic Forum’s YouTube page. For more information and to Register go HERE
Abstract of lecture: “For thousands of years, some philosophers and scientists have argued that order in the universe points to a creator God. How does this argument hold up against the scientific discoveries of recent decades? Join us as theoretical particle physicist Stephen Barr examines the cosmic order and its relationship to a Divine Creator.”
Please tell your friends about this lecture.