January Gold Masses! Boston Jan 13, Edinburg TX Jan 17, Albuquerque Jan 27, Notre Dame Jan 28

Several Gold Masses are coming up in January.
Jan 13, 2020, Mon, in Boston, MA, at the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Voyage Mass at 6:30 PM at the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Voyage (51 Seaport Blvd, Seaport District, Boston, MA 02210). The celebrant is Fr. C. Bayu Risanto of the Vatican Observatory Jesuit Community. Music will be provided by Kathleen Crozier, the Shrine’s Music Director and feature critically acclaimed tenor Fran Rogers, who is a regular national anthem soloist for Boston sports teams. Mass will be followed by a reception at the nearby Hopsters Brewery Company restaurant. The Gold Mass will be held during the American Meteorological Society’s 2020 Annual Meeting at the Boston Convention Center and Exhibition Center, a 12-minute walk from the Shrine. For information contact, john.kelley@unh.edu.
Jan 17, Fri, in Edinburg, TX, at Sacred Heart Catholic Church Mass at 6:30 PM in Sacred Heart Catholic Church (215 North 16th Avenue, Edinburg, TX phone: 956-383-3253)
Jan 27, Mon, in Albuquerque, NM, at University of New Mexico Mass at 5:15 PM at the Aquinas Newman Center at University of New Mexico (1815 Las Lomas Rd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87106) The celebrant and homilist is the Chaplain, Fr. Michael DePalma. A dinner reception will follow, where Christopher Lee, president of the recently formed Los Alamos/Northern New Mexico Chapter of the SCS, will deliver a brief presentation on the Mission of the Society of Catholic Scientists.
Jan 28, Tues, in Notre Dame, IN, at University of Notre Dame Details TBA