Information about Gold Masses in 2019-20 academic year

A chronological list of Gold Masses already scheduled for the 2019-20 Academic Year can be found here:
Listing of 2019-20 Gold Masses
It will be updated as more information becomes available and as more Gold Masses are scheduled.
For general information about what Gold Masses are see
Note that these Gold Masses are for all Catholics in a geographical region who are involved in science, either as researchers, as educators, or as students (grad students, undergrads; and even older high school students with a strong interest in science). You can be still working or retired. Even if the Mass is being held on a college campus, you do not have to be affiliated with that college; you could be at another college in that area, or at a high school, etc. The idea is to build local communities of Catholics involved in science. Note that these masses are followed by receptions open to those who attended the mass.