Upcoming SCS-related Events (March through June)

1.. In Chicago on Wednesday, March 13, 5 PM to 6:30 PM, there is a Symposium on “Science and Wonder.” The event is presented by The Lumen Christi Institute and the Zygon Center for Religion and Science. One of the four speakers is Prof. Robert Scherrer of Vanderbilt University, who is Secretary and Board member of SCS. Information about this event can be found at https://www.lumenchristi.org/event/2019/03/symposium-on-science-wonder The event is free and open to the public.
2.. There will be a “Conference on Faith and Science” (COFAS) at Arizona State University at Tempe
from March 22-24 . It is sponsored by the Arizona Center for Christian Studies. Among the ten
conference speakers are SCS Board members Stephen M. Barr and Jonathan I. Lunine, and SCS member
Paul Gabor, S.J., Vice Director of the Vatican Observatory Research Group. Information about the
conference, including how to register, is available at <https://mailchi.mp/962aa966eeaf/conference-on-faith-and-science-cofas-at-asu-tempe-march-22-19177?e=8a211c47f4> The COFAS conference theme is “Pursuing Science and Christian Faith for Human Flourishing.”
3… The 6th annual V. Elving Anderson Lecture in Science and Religion will be given on Thursday, April 4, at 7 PM at the University of Minnesota by SCS President Stephen M. Barr. Information can be found here: https://anselmhouse.org/events/god-and-the-universe/
4.. The third annual Magi Project Summer Seminar will investigate “Space, Time, and Eternity.” The seminar will welcome a cohort of graduate students to the University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia) on June 17-21 for an intensive course led by eminent scholars in Physics, Philosophy, and Theology. Several of the presenters are either members or Scholar Associates of SCS. Priority Deadline: Friday, March 15, 2019. Final Deadline: Friday, March 29, 2019. For More information & to apply: www.themagiproject.org/2019
5… A Symposium is being held by the Thomistic Institute in Washington, D.C. June 26-30, 2019 on the theme of “Novelty in Nature: Scientific and Philosophical Understanding of Flux and Change in the Natural World.” Two SCS Board members (Profs. Karin Öberg and Nicanor Austriaco and SCS member Marisa March of Univ. of Pennsylvania will be among the eight speakers.) More information can be found at this link https://thomisticinstitute.org/events/sciencesymposium2