Third annual conference of the Spanish Chapter of SCS on Sept. 19-21 in Ávila, Spain.
September 19, 2024 at 5:00 pm - September 21, 2024 at 4:00 pm
The third annual conference of the Spanish Chapter of SCS (Sociedad de Científicos Católicos de España) will be held in Ávila, Spain, at the Universidad Católica de Ávila on September 19-21, 2024. Full information on the Program, Schedule, and Registration can be found at the conference website https://iii-congreso-scce.es/
Presentations (All in Spanish, except where explicitly indicated that they are in English):
Luis Felipe Verdeja: “The Bible and metals”
Ignacio del Villar: “Catholic scientists in the Spanish golden century”
Michael Dominic Taylor: “Ratzinger and the gift of existence: Why science and environmentalism need the Catholic doctrine of creation”
Carmen Molina: “How can a biologist contribute to the evangelizing mission “ad intra”? Nature-based mimetic ethics”
Domingo Aguilera: “The mental limit. Faith, reason, artificial intelligence”
María del Rosario Ferreira: “Catholic scientists, the prophets of today’s world”
María Teresa Blázquez: “The Chemistry of bread and wine”
Stephen M. Barr: “Is consciousness reducible to physics?” [In English]
Round Table: What can a Catholic scientist contribute to the proclamation of the Gospel, especially to young people?
David Brown, S.J., The Vatican Observatory [In English]
Paul R. Hruz (remote): “Risk-Benefit Analysis of Medical Approaches to Alleviate Suffering from Gender Dysphoria” [In English]
Eneko de Diego: “Ethical aspects of ectopic pregnancy”
Eulogio Gardeazábal: “The protection of the unborn and the pregnant woman”
Luis Franco: The dilemma of frozen human embryos”
Paolo di Lazzaro: “Can the body image of the Shroud be reproduced by ultraviolet light pulses?” [In English]
César Barta: “The dating of the Holy Shroud”
María José Luciáñez: “Latest research on the pollen of the Shroud”
Jesús Díaz Ropero: “Comparison between the Shroud of Oviedo and the Shroud of Turin”
Round Table: Does science tell us anything about God?