Science-Faith Lecture Series on Oct 11, Oct 25, and Nov 15, 2024, in St. Paul, MN.
October 11, 2024 at 7:00 pm
Lecture Series in St. Paul, MN, on October 11, October 25, November 15.
Reserve a spot today! https://nativitystpaul.org/faith-and-science
The first lecture is on Friday, October 11, at 7:00pm in the school library at Nativity of Our Lord Catholic Church (1938 Stanford Ave, St Paul, MN 55105). Prof. Peter Distelzweig of the University of Saint Thomas will speak about “Reflecting on Science and Catholicism in Light of the Galileo Affair.” in the school library at 7:00 PM at Nativity of Our Lord Catholic Church. Prof. Distelzweig is a Scholar Associate of SCS.
The second lecture is on Friday, October 25, at 7:00pm in the school library at Nativity of Our Lord Catholic Church (1938 Stanford Ave, St Paul, MN 55105). Prof. Kenneth Kemp, Professor Emeritus at the University of Saint Thomas, will speak on “Letting the Earth Bring Forth Living Things: Evolution & Catholic Theology.” His research interests include the history and philosophy of science, with a particular focus on the relationship between science and religion. He is the author of The War That Never Was: Evolution and Christian Theology (2020) and of The Origins of Catholic Evolutionism, 1831–1950 (forthcoming). Prof. Kemp is a Scholar Associate of SCS.
The third lecture is on Friday, November 15th and will be preceded by a Gold Mass for science professionals at the Cathedral of Saint Paul (239 Selby Ave, St Paul, MN 55102). Mass will begin at 5:15pm in the main sanctuary followed by a presentation in Hays Hall and refreshments. The Speaker for the Gold Mass Lecture is TBD.
These events are co-sponsored by the Society of Catholic Scientists. Note to Minnesota SCS members: SCS is forming a Twin Cities Chapter of SCS. Contact smpbarr@gmail.com if interested in joining.