Lecture (in-person and Zoom) and Reception on November 30 in Edmonton, AB.
November 30, 2023 at 4:00 pm
The St. Joseph’s College Lecture, co-sponsored by the Edmonton Chapter of SCS will be held at 4:00pm local time (CT+ ) on Thursday, Nov 30, in St. Joseph’s College Boardroom on the campus of the University of Alberta. The lecture, entitled “Toward an Integrative Account of the Human Person”, will be given by Dr. Sofia Carozza. Dr. Carozza is a postdoctoral research fellow at Harvard Medical School. She uses computational modelling to study the role of the early environment in the development of the human brain.
A reception will follow the lecture.
To register to attend by Zoom go to https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYtf-Chpz0rHNLk8_GNKv9d0KQrv35LYkTy#/registration
Abstract of Lecture:
Discourse at the intersection of neuroscience and religion often stalls at questions about their compatibility, likely due to the prevalence of the (false) conflict model of science and faith. However, moving beyond compatibility to integration opens an enriching expanse of inquiry. Specifically, discoveries in the neural and cognitive sciences are increasingly characterizing the brain as a situated, relational, and dynamic organ. These data, which accord exceptionally well with a Christian theological anthropology, offer us the possibility of deepening our self-understanding as persons and improving our practical and pastoral decision-making.