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The fourth annual conference of the Society of Catholic Scientists, which was originally planned for 2020, was held on June 4-6, 2021 at the Washingtion DC Hilton Hotel (1919 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington, DC).

Conference Theme:

The main theme of the conference was “Extraterrestrials, AI, and Minds Beyond the Human,” and had to do with various kinds of real or hypothetical intelligences that are not human or biologically related to humans, especially extraterrestrial intelligence and artificial intelligence. It included questions such as What does science say about the prospects of extraterrestrial intelligence existing? How can it be searched for? What would be the implications for Catholic theology? Is artificial intelligence possible? Would it truly have “intellect”? What would be its theological implications? There were also talks not on the main theme of the conference.

2021 St. Albert Award:

See information on the awardee Lawrence M. Principe

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The Society of Catholic Scientists is an international organization that fosters fellowship among Catholic scientists and witnesses to the harmony of faith and reason.

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About Us

The Society of Catholic Scientists is an international organization founded in June of 2016 to foster fellowship among Catholic scientists and to witness to the harmony of faith and reason.